Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Ten Favorite Bookish Businesses


Dear Rebellious Readers,

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly blog post hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl . This week is come up with your own topic and I decided to celebrate my Top Ten Favorite Bookish Businesses(plus two more). I am a huge lover of many book businesses which means businesses that sell hand-painted books or bookish merchandise( book sleeves, bookmarks, candles, etc…). book boxes(usually monthly boxes that come with a new release and items based on a theme which changes every month)or any business that sells anything to do with books. All pictures are by me unless otherwise credited.

1.Owlcrate: A monthly Young Adult book box that delivers a new young adult book and goodies like mugs, tea, coffee, stickers, bookmarks, coasters, scarfs, etc… to your door every month based on a theme that relates to the book of the month.  Owlcrate sends all types of genres from paranormal to fantasy to contemporary.  I have been a subscriber to Owlcrate since March of 2016 and I have never looked back. I have found amazing authors I never would have found otherwise and gotten a lot of beautiful, useful and unique items. Owlcrate has the best customer service. I have not had many problems with damaged items. It only happened twice and they were amazing. They quickly sent me a new one and were kind and thoughtful even picking out the same color of my damaged item(sometimes they have items that are different colors and you randomly get one). Owlcrate also listens to its customers and tries to add items that customers I have been asking for and companies they recommend. Owlcrate books come signed by the author and with an exclusive cover (color changes usually but usually once a year they have a whole different cover)  every month.


Picture by the talented Rachel @books_are_crack

Link to Owlcrate website: Owlcrate

2. Shelflovecrate is a monthly young adult book box that delivers a new fantasy or science fiction young adult book with goodies(pillowcases, book sleeves, mini candles, bookmarks, enamel pins, etc….)  to your door every month based on a theme that relates to the book of the month. Shelflovecrate has great taste in books and since I read a lot of young adult fantasy and science fiction it is always fun to know I am going to get a new one every month. I also love that Shelflovecrate has a collectible item with each box. Last year it was Lunar Chronicles trading cards. This year is chess pieces based on young adult fantasy characters. Shelflovecrate sometimes has signed books, exclusive covers or reservable dust jackets but not every month. They do have signed bookplates almost every month. I have always had a great experience with them. I have had 4 damaged items and they have all be replaced in a timely manner.


Picture by the Lovely Michelle @bookishme09

Link to Shelflovecrate website: Shelflovecrate

3. Fandomhoneybees is one of the best bookmark shops and a HUGE favorite of mine. Mary @aparnormalromance is the owner of  @fandomhoneybees  (Instagram handle) I have been a huge lover of Mary’s designs before she even opened her bookmark shop. Mary makes beautiful watercolor bookmarks with bookish sayings, quotes, shipmarks, etc… One of my favorite bookmark collections Mary does is her hashtag series. She has so many great ones #readathon #reading #bookreivew #coverlove #onetruepairing and this is just a taste of them. Mary has tons of fandom bookmarks Disney, Sarah J Maas, Three Dark Crowns, Harry Potter, Shadowhunters and so many more, also Mary has a few bookmarks from underrated fandoms and books like Amid Darkness and Stars, The White Stag, and The Selection.  Her shop also has bookish sayings I haven’t seen on any other bookmarks including Author Love and Book Faerie.

She also sells prints and mini prints. Her quote art print for the Queen’s Rising book is just stunning and her limited edition Aslan print is just so beautiful and has one of my favorite Narnia quotes. I could rave forever about Mary’s bookmarks and prints. I am not kidding. I have written a review half the size of this one for just ONE of her bookmarks. I am a rep for her on Bookstagram and it is an honor and I love repping for Mary so much and helping her with her designs and shop. Mary has become a very dear friend. We have very similar book tastes and fandom love.


All the bookmarks plus the mini print and Three Dark Crowns print in this picture are by @fandomhoneybees but the Jon Snow print and the Dany and Jon print are by @tempestchani

The Aelin print is by @jemlincreations with a special watercolor @fandomhoneybees red and yellow background

The Cardan print is by @emily.israd.books but with @fandomhoneybees background and faerie smears

Link to Mary’s shop Fandomhoneybees make sure to use my rep code REBEL10 to save on your order

Link to Instagram @fandomhoneybees

All the other links are to the artists Instagram account.



4. Creative Chaotics is another of the best bookmark shops and a HUGE favorite. Heather @creativechaotics (Instagram handle for the shop)makes amazing bookmarks and has one of the biggest selections I have ever seen. Amine, Manga, Genre Bookish, Fantasy books, Contemporary books, K-pop, customs, baemarks, and that is just off the top of my head. Heather also has a monthly themed bookmark box. It usually has 8-10 exclusive bookmarks by Heather and bookmarks by other bookmark shops usually @jemlincreations and @knightmareanddaydreams and a goodie or two from another shop. In her Greek Mythology box it was a medusa from @undertheseacrochet and in her Star Crossed Ships box it was a bookmark from @fandomhoneybees. I love that Heather’s bookmarks are all laminated. I have been known to be clumsy and that is putting it lightly and so it is nice to know I can’t destroy Heather’s bookmarks by spilling something on them pr any other clumsy thing I might do. I had the pleasure to be an influencer for Heather’s shop for a few months and it was so amazing.

link to Heather’s shop Instagram @creativechaotics

link to Shop Creative Chaotics




5. Bookimabob is one of my favorite book sleeve shops. It is run by Kendra and her book sleeves are just amazing. They are super padded so your book is really safe. My mother has 2 of them and uses them to protect her kindles and she praises them all the time. I have 2 and they work just as great with books. I am always using Kendra’s book sleeves. Kendra always makes Pygmy Puffs for all you Harry Potter lovers out there.



link to shop Bookimabob

link to Instagram @bookimabob

Yes those are @fandomhoneybees bookmarks in the pictures

6. Belles Book Sleeves are so amazingly unique. She is the inventor of the fur book sleeve. She has so many unique designs including an awesome Game of Thrones design and colorable book sleeves. She also has these adorable mini book sleeves. I won one of her book sleeves and have been obsessed ever since.



Both photos on Instagram by Belles Book Sleeves

link to shop: Belles

7. Marquisdusolei is one of the first bookmark companies I found when I joined Bookstagram and have been a big fan of ever since. I love how some of her bookmarks are just titles of the book so you can show off your love of your favorite book. She also does amazing character bookmarks and quotes and sayings plus art prints that you want to hang all over your house. I was blessed enough to rep for Caitlin for a term on bookstagram. Her bookmarks will forever be favorites.


link to shop Marquisdusoleil

link to Instagram Marquisdusoleil

8. Lyrical Fox is a new bookmark company I have discovered and I am obsessed with there designs. They have so many sayings I have never seen on bookmarks like This Lady Reads and This Man Reads. They also do fandoms I don’t see bookmarks for often and their new spooky, witchy, fall line is so pretty and spooky and can’t wait to get my hands on them. I just got picked as a rep for the Fall term and I am so excited to start working with them.


The picture on Instagram by @lyrical_fox

link to shop: Lyrical Fox Boutique

9. Ink and Wonder Designs the original woodmark creator. Her bookmarks are so beautiful and well made plus they are thin enough they don’t leave a big indent in your book. She has so many different fandoms form Throne of Glass, Classic novels, Game of Thrones, Pride bookmarks and so much more.


The photo on Instagram by @inkandwonder.designs

link to shop: Ink and Wonder Designs

10. Tinted Prose is run by Sam and she paints your books. If you are like me and love sprayed edges Sam is the artist to go to. You can have your pages painted with just one color and add gold, silver, or bronze shimmer or have her do you a complete custom book. Plus if you get a rainbow painted book(YES she does those)she will donate 5 dollars to an LGBTQ+ charity. I won a book of hers in a giveaway and now want tons of my books painted by her.


The photo on Instagram by  Tinted Prose

link to her shop Tinted Prose

11. The Bookish Flame is the best candle maker in the business. I love her candles so much. They always make my whole house smell lovely. Some candles only make one room smell nice and sometimes not even that. Jen’s candles aren’t like that. Trust me if you want you’re to the house to smell like heaven go and buy a candle from Jen.  


Photo credit to Jen on her Instagram shop page(link below)

link to Jen’s shop: The Bookish Flame

link to Jen’s Instagram @thebookishflame

12. Secondstarlit is a candle company and does seasonal book boxes. She did monthly book boxes but decided to focus on candles and seasonal boxes. Her candles are amazing. I am super picky with candles. But hers smell so heavenly and make my whole house smell like a wonderland. Secondstarlit also has a monthly candle box called The Monthly Melt with a new fandom every month and she has a fandom battle every month on Instagram where you vote for the fandom you want for that month. Examples of past battles Vampires Vs Werewolves, Narnia vs LotR, Hunger Games vs Divergent, ect..


Credit to @secondstarlit Instagram

link to shop Second Star Lit

What are some of your favorite bookish shops? Do you love any of the ones I do? Please tell me in the comments.

For all my Instagram friends who read this blog and wonder why I only asked Rachel and Michelle to use their pictures. First they were my first friends on bookstagram and I wasn’t as nervous asking them because they were most likely to say yes. Second, I get nervous asking anyone even friends for help. Third I didn’t want to play favorites. People on different sites have gotten upset that I put their name second and not first and were in a fight with the person they were next to and thus didn’t think that person was worthy to be on the list(we are no longer in contact, I don’t do drama). While I know in my heart none of you are like that I just don’t want to upset anyone. Thank you for understanding.

Yours in Rebellion

Nicole the Reading Rebel

28 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: My Top Ten Favorite Bookish Businesses

    1. Yes, bookmarks are the best. Yes, check all of these shops out you will not regret it and if you buy from them please say I sent you. All of my picks are shops I personally stand by.

    1. Thanks. I love posts about bookish businesses and have found many great ones though posts and lists so when TTT had a freebie I thought this would make a great topic.

  1. I’ve only ever been subscribed to Owlcrate, but omg some of this swag is lovely! I might have to look at Tinted Prose because that is a GORGEOUS tint to the pages.

    1. Welcome. I wanted to make it so people could easily get to all the shops and products without having to search for them themselves. More people will catch out a shop out if they already have the link in the post. I hope you find some new favorites from my list.

  2. Oh, I love this post so much! I confess that I know pretty much nothing about bookish businesses (though, I’ve heard of OwlCrate and such in passing, obviously). Those bookmarks are so gorgeous! 😮 Unfortunately, it seems FandomHoneyBees is on a break, but I’ll be watching to see if they return. I’d love to get some as gifts. :3 Creative Chaotics has Illuminae bookmarks! *flails* My life is complete. And that Loki one? Be still my heart. xD I’ve never heard of anything like Tinted Prose, but oh my gosh, that art! It’s so gorgeous. *bookmarks all the sites for Christmas* I guess I know what everyone’s getting this year lol.

    1. Thank you so much. I was hoping people would like my topic choice and find some new shops.

      Fandomhoneybees is having a restock tomorrow at 3pm PST/ 6pm EST with new bookmarks, A bookmark bundle based on Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, and plus her Cruel Prince bookmarks are retiring so get them if you want them this restock. Use my code REBEL10 to save if you shop. Creative Chaotics and Fandom Honey Bees are teaming up for the bundle.

  3. Ahhh, fun! I am a total book merch fan-with a respectable bookmark collection.
    I tend to go for the lil magnetic characters from Happy Hello Co. and The Crafted Van, but they are limited as book quotes. My newest cryptonite is book pins and fabric pin hoops. Big fan of the Vintage Fox Shoppe and The Bookish Den, too many pin shops to list, but your post was quite inspiring. Do you display your prints/marks any certain way? I never know quite what to do with them.

  4. Love this! A fantastic topic choice. It makes me want to explore some of their offerings, to be honest. I wish I had the money to do so right now–but the future, I’m definitely going to!

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